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Worship with My Family

Aren't vacations funny? I mean, we set aside this time to "rest and relax" and then when the time comes, we drive halfway across the country, or set up some insane schedule to get as much accomplished as possible during our free time. Add to that the fact that many of us double up on work in the weeks before and after vacation just so we can take the time off.

I'm headed down that road myself next week. I leave on Thursday to drive to Louisville, Kentucky to spend time with my brother, sister, my nieces and my nephew. My greatest concern right now is trying to get everything done before I depart so that nothing falls through the cracks while I am away. See, it isn't a desire of mine for my vacation to be a burden on others. So I fret and worry over getting all this stuff done.

Of course, I know that about 2-3 days before I start back to the bustling metropolis of Greenville, I will start to imagine all the stuff that I will need to catch up on while I was gone on vacation. Hardly seems worth it if you look at it all on the surface level.

But obviously, there is more to it than that. However long the journey, however arduous the effort, it is great to be with family. Technological advances have made it possible for me to not only speak to my beloved ones over the phone, internet, etc. but now with our video capabilities, I can see them face to face as we talk over our internet video phone hookups (well, when they remember to turn them on, that is). In the end it is just a cheap imitation of the real thing. A blown kiss over the video phone isn't even a reasonable facsimile of a kiss on the cheek from my niece. The powerful embrace of my brother when we see each other for the first time in a while cannot be replaced by a cell phone. As wonderful as technology becomes, it always fails to duplicate the feeling of euphoria in being with ones you love in person.

The visits will never be long enough (well, for me at least ... I am sure after a couple of days they'll be ready for me to hit the road) and when it is time to go, the memories won't quite be enough to sustain me until the next time. Like always, I'll have to make due with what I have ... phones, email and such.

I suppose I have become more aware of that in the past two-and-a-half years. Working over in Greenville, I am not far away from family in the DFW metroplex, but I was spoiled for many years ministering in McKinney. I may have even taken for granted the blessing of seeing sisters, brothers, nieces and nephews every Sunday. I love my church family here in Greenville, but I miss those family times in worship--having Erin come into my office after church for a piece of candy and a hug (though I am reasonably certain that I could have had the hug whether or not I had the candy ... not that I ever risked it), seeing Sean and secretly being proud for no real reason when someone said, "Your nephew is so cute, Dave" as if I had anything to do with that. Now Abby and Jack go there and I miss not seeing them like I saw Sean and Erin.

Just an observation: won't it be great when we all worship together as a family in heaven? I pray for my entire family every day that they may remain faithful to the Lord just so we can enjoy that privilege all the time in the presence of Jesus himself ... no phones, email, or video equipment will be needed!

New look to the blog. Nice, you mogoul. I adhere to your sentiments on family. It was nice to see my parents-- too bad I was in Chicago for most of their visit. Brownsville is a loooong way from pretty much anywhere, but we still manage to get some nice visits. Enjoy your time. Say hi to the gang.

I, too, like the new blog. It's easier to read.

You know, I really appreciate the technology of blogging because I don't think I'd have as much contact with you if it weren't for this. I'm glad to be able to visit with you in this way because we don't get to visit enough in person.

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