Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Busy Week

Busy week ahead as I prepare for vacation ... I am very excited about it as I will be spending the week with the entire panel of voters from the mythical "Greatest Uncle Ever" competition. As you probably know, I am the current title-holder. I will be, as best I can, keeping a running blog next week of our vacation adventures, but for this week, I thought I would show you the G.U.E. Judges' Pictures!

Sean D







Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Announcing the Birth of My Child

Now that I have your attention ...

A couple of months ago, I was talking to an old friend, Mike Baker, about a couple of books that he has had published. He remarked that I should prepare myself for the process. He said, "It's like having a child for the first time." I'm guessing that his wife, Sara, might disagree with his assessment, since she was the one who actually gave birth to their children; but that is another discussion for another day.

So, in the spirit of my conversation with Mike, I am excitedly looking forward to the arrival of my first child. As the release of my first book draws closer, many thoughts are, from time to time, consume my already limited attention. What if people don't like it? What if it doesn't hardly sell? What if it does? Will my family disown me since I have "dropped the piano on them?" (This is my new suggestion for replacing "threw them under the bus" which I believe is becoming overused). How much should I promote the book myself? Will Max Lucado call and want to do a book-signing tour with me?

Okay, a couple of those might be a stretch, but I wonder about such things. But I think I know what Mike was saying. It's your child, you know you love it, but still ... you want people to think he's adorable, looks like you (if that's a good thing), doesn't look like you (if it's not), and you want to hear people brag on him (you know, so you don't have to). It may sound egotistical, but really it isn't. It will simply be relief ... a desire to have what I believe validated by someone else ... that what I wrote is interesting, entertaining, thought-provoking, inspiring, amusing, etc. In short, that it is a good book. I think it is good, but then I wrote it. I can't imagine anyone writing a book and, when completed, thinking, "This isn't any good, but who cares?"

I suppose that part of my makeup is why I look forward to that one moment in heaven ... that moment when the story of my life has been fully written--with all the triumphs and tragedies, all the successes and failures--and I stand before the Father hearing those words:
Well done good and faithful servant! You've been faithful with a few things. I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share in your master's happiness.

Matthew 25:21

It won't be because of my ego that I long to hear those words. If I am honest about it, how could ego ever drive something I know I haven't earned? I know that I will only hear those words because Jesus bought me the opportunity to stand before God through his sacrifice on the cross. Without that, my sinfulness would keep me from ever experiencing that moment. Instead, hearing those words will be relief, that the God in whom I have placed my faith and trust has validated that belief in the most amazing way, by providing a place for me in his kingdom. What a moment that will be, when the author of life reads my life story and proclaims, "It's good!"

ps - if you want to keep up-to-date on the release of my earthly writing, visit my personal website.