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Getting Lost on LOST?

After our Bible study the other night, some of the kids and I were discussing the phenomena that is the television show LOST. By the way, you should know something about me; I have a tendancy to assume that if something becomes popular that I have liked for a long time, I see that as others just finally catching up to what I already knew. Please understand, this doesn't mean I see myself as a trendsetter. I do not believe people wait with baited breath to see what I like and then mindlessly follow along. However, I do at times fancy myself to be a pioneer of sorts (probably incorrectly, I must admit). I see myself as good judge of the "next great thing" coming! Some of my pseudo-prophetic endorsements include Code Red Mountain Dew, the Monte Cristo, Arena Football, The Clapper, and others. Just to be clear once again: I make no claims to having invented or come up with the idea for these things, nor do I believe that I was solely responsible for their growing popularity, I just know that I was on board long before their greatness was realized.

Okay, back to LOST. I find it to be an intriguing television show, not just for the cliff-hangers and intricate storyline, but also for some of the spiritual overtones in the show. I am not sure where it will ultimately lead as it is just a television show, but it is interesting to see where it all leads. Trust me, it could lead to many false teachings about spirituality, but the very fact that at least one character on the show has an overtly spiritual perception as to the events that are transpiring on the island. Of course, this character also runs the gambit of acceptance by other fellow castaways. At times he is seen as the clearest thinking member of the group and at other times, he is viewed as obsessively controlled by something unseen (maybe even possessed).

Why mention all this? Well, to highlight the fact that more and more television shows/movies delve into the spiritual realm. We are reminded that television especially is consumer driven and the reason for the increasing number of shows of this nature would seem to be linked to the interest level of the viewers. With television watchers clamouring more and more for shows with a spiritual slant, it creates both a responsibility as well as an opportunity for us as Christians.

First, we have a responsibility to make sure that we have an understanding of the word of God so that we are not "tossed about by every wind of doctrine". As we watch these shows, we must be discriminating viewers, rightly recognizing truth and misleading untruths about God, the Spirit, and the realms of the spiritual.

Second, it provides us with an opportunity for discussion with others who do not know Christ. The character from LOST (John Locke) seems fixed on the fact that the plane crash, the hatch, etc. all have happened for a purpose. He believes it is a destiny. Meanwhile, Jack Shepherd sees it as just a random series of events ... coincidences. In fact, their contrasting opinions and approaches where highlighted this past week with the season premiere episode, interestingly titled: Man of Faith ... Man of Science. What a chance to share with fellow LOST fans that you might know about the "destiny" that you have been promised by God because of your faith, your obedience and his redemption.

What do you think about it? By the way, the next "big things": the I-Pod Nano (tough call on that one) and DysonAnalysis.com

I hope I'm not disappointed as Lost unfolds. Sometimes the writers get tired of a storyline and go off on a tangent. Maybe I'm expecting too much of television.

Agreed dad ... er, anonymous. Probably a good rule of thumb would be NOT to expect too much of television. Like you, I would be disappointed if 2-3 years from now it was: surprise! it was aliens ... or worse, this whole thing has been a Hugo Hurley psychotic hallucination and he wakes up in a room with Patrick Duffy!

Apparently, our family is the only people who watch the show from the lack of comments on it. Perhaps some people don't delve that deep into the meaning behind TV shows.

This week's episode left me still wanting more information. Maybe the writers are trying to drag out the plot in an effort to keep people watching. I don't know.

I found it interesting that the characters continue to reset the clock, because they were told to do that. They don't know what the penalty is for discontinuing this practice, but they accept the responsibility anyway.

I noticed also from the previews for next week's show that Jin speaks perfect English. Has he been part of "them" all along or just an opportunist, like Anna Maria (or whatever that girl's name was)? Just wonderin'...


Yes, it continues on that same thought of "man of science, man of faith". It is hard to say what way they are leading. Could it be that the producers are trying to say that often, men of faith simply act out of ignorance or blind obedience? Are they saying that Jack, the man of science, wants to know the truth and might be willing to let the timer run out, even if it mean catastrophe? The possibilities are endless.

As to Jin, much of the talk about the show revolves around the possibility that time is not a constant on the island and that there is some sort of cloning/future reflections of self thing going on. Thus, Jin may have been "Jin of the future" who has learned to speak English or, as you said, perhaps he has simply been hiding this ability.

By the way, just another one of those things to drive you crazy, the sum of the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 is, of course, 108. A number that has made its way into the show as well. Remember the film? The narrator mentioned that the time of stay at the Swan Station (station #3) is 540 days (108 x 5) ... could that mean there are 5 stations?

Never mind, I rewatched it. There are 6 stations

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  • I'm Dave Smith
  • From Greenville, Texas, United States
  • Hands down, the greatest uncle in the world and beyond that, a broken, mis-shapen tool that amazingly continues to be used for His great masterpiece!
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